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dCron is coming on well. It will now auto-refresh the job list when you edit the dCron.rc file to add or remove jobs. This is a little buggy at the moment, in that it sometimes tries to read the changes before the file is fully saved and so crashes with an IO error. A possible fix for this is to catch the crash and defer the update until the next time that dCron checks for jobs to execute.
It is now in use on two computers on a daily basis (both for using Winamp as an alarm clock!) and seems to work well. There don’t seem to be any memory leaks to speak of.
My next ideas concern the UI. I shall probably implement options for turning off auto-refresh if I cannot fix the crash that sometimes occurs. I don’t want to add too much UI though, as the idea of dCron is to avoid bloat. Other than that, the job engine itself seems good and the parsing of the rc file is fairly robust. I would like to do some more work on error checking in the rc file parsing before release.
We still don’t have the internet at home yet. I have a couple of releases waiting on that, including a network-enabled dWall. I have also improved dClock both in looks and time accuracy (in the current release it is only accurate to the minute).