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Blogger has redesigned. I did decide not to mention it because it is being talked about by all the usual suspects. However, I thought I would mention it for the following reason.
One of my flatmates has every so often noticed my weblog and wanted to be able to write mindless drivel himself. I was going to set up some space at dx13 for this purpose. I never got around to it because it is just too much work for me to do right now. The new Blogger news came and went. Then I suddenly had a brainwave: Blogger is free, so why not let my flatmate use that. A few minutes later the first post went live. It's still in its infancy at the moment, but you can [have a read](http://mephistosays.blogspot.com/). I wonder if the posting will continue or whether they will fade after a while, like many new weblogs...
The new design is fully XHTML/CSS excellence with new templates designed by those mentioned above as well as some other very talented designers. If you’ve wanted a weblog, I’d recommend trying them out. The process seems much easier than it used to be; what have you to lose but your spare time and sanity?