384 - For-Those-RSS-Junkies

I did a bit of a redesign of dx13 today. I’m pleased with the result; it is a departure from my previous designs in that it isn’t black-on-white. I’m not quite sure whether the dx13 title on the picture should be changed to a similar brown to the text, though having it black does ensure it stands out. There are various other tweaks I’m thinking about, but I am going to leave things be.

Insert usual yadda yadda here about my only having to change one CSS file rather than lots of individual pages, saving lots of time, making things look pretty. In short, CSS still rocks.

The picture is from stock.xchng which has lots of good, free photos that can be used. I didn’t mess with it very much, as it was very nice already.

RSS Junkies: you should really come and look.

Update : trying brown text title image.

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