Over Christmas I spent a few days writing another iPhone app. With New Year’s resolutions fast approaching and overindulgence of wine fresh in my mind, I decided an application to see how much I typically drank might be useful.
I took a look on the app store and identified a vacuum: a nice looking, efficient way to record my consumption. Drinktrack was born.

The dark and refined UI doesn’t light up your face in a ghostly white when you’re sat in a trendy bar noting down your drink. Like One to Watch, it’s designed to be brutally fast to get information into the app. Four taps and some fun swipes.

The logbook is currently limited to the main information I want: how much I’ve had this week, and whether I’m tending to excess. I plan to expand the analysis, adding user-set targets and general simplification to the core statistics with drill-down to the details.
The app is the minimum set of functions to be useful to me, and is released based on the maxim of getting something out there and iterating if there’s take up. I hope it’s useful to others as well as me.
It’ll be a princely 69p on release.